Water Removal Actions in Dallas Homes
6/30/2018 (Permalink)

Team SERVPRO Arrives on the Scene Quickly to Dry Out Your Water Damaged Property
Despite some of the incredible storms over the last couple of years, most flooding in Dallas homes comes from very mundane sources like a broken toilet, backed up sink, or a split hose on a clothes washer. Regardless of the source, getting this water out of the home needs to happen quickly and without causing further damage.
SERVPRO restoration offices have the devices and training needed for professional water removal in Dallas homes. Each one keeps a response team on call for 24/7 customer support and ready with the latest in residential, restoration equipment.
When possible, our team leader works with the customer to get pictures of the home before he sets foot on the property. Pictures help him determine what devices and personnel to bring on the initial visit. They also help him determine roughly if the job may take anywhere from one day to a week or longer.
Once on-site, the first item off the truck is normally a pump. Depending on the size of the home and how much water is standing inside it, removal usually takes one or two days, sometimes longer in very large homes or apartment buildings. Pumping out standing water takes care of the majority of it, but some remains.
For smaller amounts of water, our response team switches to extraction wands. These smaller devices are very useful in removing water that only covers the surface an inch or so. When handled by a SERVPRO professional, they also work exceptionally well in drawing water out of carpets and from between the boards of wood floors. The wands we use also house a heating element, so technicians can also start to dry the carpets and floors carefully simultaneously.
For concrete floors in garages and patios, team members generally use long-handled squeegees to push the water off the floor. Although there is no carpet to rot or wood to warp, water left standing too long can work its way into the smallest fracture and force cracks across the surface.
The goal of SERVPRO of Northwest Dallas is to return each home to its original, dry state before water spread across the floors. If you have this situation in your home now or are dealing with the effects of a previous flood, call us at (214) 361-7887 today to schedule an inspection and receive a free estimate. We are here for you.
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